New Breed: Swedish Warmblood New Companion: Donkey Foal Horse Isle's 3rd birthday is the 4th. Birthday Tokens have been added on the grass. Find some for extra spending money when sold to a general store! They'll only be around until the next update! Several Typo Fixes. Enjoy! -Joe and Miranda
I realized that I forgot to add the Chocolate Bunny last week, so here's another update. So, the Easter Bunny has a gift for all! Do not get too attached though, this special companion will slowly be eaten throughout May, and eventually disappear. New Breed: Warlander 1 New Quest Several typo and bug fixes. Enjoy! -Joe and Miranda
Beta Signups are disabled for now, as we are still not prepared for
an open beta. However, the HI2 main page is viewable with more details
and a few screenshots of HI2. Feel free to view:
-- We have to fix some parts to handle new players better. Today was
rough. :) We may bring some additional players online tomorrow.
Old Post:
We could use a couple hundred more HI2 players. So, we are temporarily turning on Account signup at HI2.
This will be turned back off shortly. So, if you would like to give HI2
a try, knowing full well that it is BETA, meaning tempora
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The last day for name changes will be Sunday Feb 7th, so, if you have
been debating a name change, visit this link and get it done by then.
Visit the tool if you are curious if your name is valid, it will let
you know. If you are happy with your HI1 name and won't play HI2, or
don't mind using a different name, then you do not need to do anything.
In an effort to provide a smoother transition to/from HI2 we have setup
a system to allow players whose names will NOT pass the HI2 filter to
change their HI1 name. This way you can use the same name across the
This will help you recognize existing friends on HI2 and protect the
name you want from being taken on HI2 by someone else. Choose your name
carefully! Only o
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