Horse Isle has been live for four years! To honor that, Birthday Tokens can be found on the grass. Sell them to the store to make a little money. They'll only be around until the next update though! New breed: Tersky 3 new quests Typos and bug fixes. Enjoy!
* Note: I'm extremely busy with school and AP classes for about the next 2 weeks, so I will probably put the new update information up late. If possible, please help me out by sending in your solutions and locations through the contact form. This is a rather big update. >_< Thank you so much, guys!
New Breed: Ukrainian Saddle Horse New companions: Palomino Draft Foal and Black Forest Draft Foal 1 new quest
Pegasus and Unicorn Pellets added! These pellets, when purchased for $1 billion and fed to a horse, will raise the personality stat (Pegasus) or intelligence stat (Unicorn) by one point. These were created for the main purpose of being a money sink. They are something for those with a ton of money (hitting the max
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New Breed: Argentine Polo Pony New Companion: Blue Baby Dragon Ring Isle and Web Isle are now open. New colors were added to the Akhal-Teke last update, but I forgot to mention it.... 4 new quests Enjoy!
New Isles have been discovered! Only two can be reached. Have fun exploring Hat Isle and Whorl Isle! New Breed: Gronigen New Companions: Bay Sabino Draft Foal and Black Draft Foal 3 new quests Some typo and bug fixes
New Breed: Moroccan Barb New colors added to the Arabian 1 New Quest John O'Lantern has a gift for all! Do not get too attached though, this special companion will slowly be eaten throughout November, and eventually disappear.