6 new quests Several typo and bug fixes Sorry for there not
being any new art. We're working very hard on HI2, so we can get that
live as soon as possible. It will still be a few months before it's
ready to go live probably.
Unfortunately two of our sponsored horses, Feather and Oreo from Colorado Horse Rescue, passed away last year. They were both quite old. At least they were kept comfortable. This year we are continuing to sponsor Sky and Fiesty. $2,500 of your memberships have gone towards this! (Not as much revenue this year as last, but we made sure to still contribute.) So, rest assured that you continued to help care for some real live horses with your memb
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Thanks to all of our dedicated and patient players! Horse Isle 1 is technically called Horse Isle:The Secret Land of Horses. Horse Isle 2 is called Horse Isle: Legend of the Esrohs. (HI:SLOH and HI:LOTE for short). Now, what is an Esroh? Horse Isle 2 will contain an over arching background story, a Main Quest. HI:LOTE will not be live for several months yet, however, we would like to share the background story movie for HI:LOTE. We hope you enj
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