Hey there! I'm surprised people are still using this site! :) Well, as long people continue using the site, it'll be up.
If anyone is dedicated enough and interested, I can give you editing powers and you can put in missing quest information and stuff. Just send me a message using the Contact form link. Or if you run another HI1 help site and would like to combine, shoot me a message as well.
Hey guys, just a quick message to apologize for the lack of updates around the site. I'm busy with schoolwork and art and I've lost interest for HI months ago. I'll try to get the new quests up, but lately, I'm totally not really interested. I don't really have the time anymore.
Also, if I see any more sites taking advantage of my information and blatantly taking MY information and using it on their own site, I WILL close the site. So don't do it. It's
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Hey guys! I'm sure you've all been waiting for this, my collab HI2 site with Ibis, CanyonRanch, and IvorySteed. :) We've worked a lot, but we still have a ton of stuff to add. We'll have all of the minigames soon, don't you worry. :)
Well, just to let you know, I will be creating another website/guide for HI2:LOTE. But this time, I will have a partner. ^^ She is CanyonRanch and she also plays on pinto and has a HI1 guide as well (http://www.freewebs.com/canyon_ranch/).
However, we are both very busy and HI2 is huge and very detailed. It will take us awhile to organize all the information and guides for it. But please
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Lockerz is an invitation-only website created to connect members through commerce, content and social networking. Once invited, you'll be able to watch exclusive video, buy great products, discover new music, play games, and connect with friends. You'll be able to do this all in one
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I apologize for the lack of updates recently. >__<; I've been swamped with homework and swimming and I've changed laptops, so I need to re download a bunch of stuff again. :x
Is everyone excited for HI2? I may or may not be creating a site for it... we'll see if I have the time and motivation for it.
I apologize for the lack of updates. Life's been really busy recently and swimming season is starting again. So I'll have less time to work on this site.
I do have several maps already, I just need to re-organize them and label them before I put them up. :) I'll do soon~ when I have time.
I'm also looking for someone to map some isles~ If you know how and are good at it, please drop me a mail using the contact form. I can pay on certain servers if you want. :)