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Welcome to Tip Isle! 
This Horse Isle 1 help site will no longer be updated but will remain available for your public use.
I simply ask that you do not steal my content and images, as I've worked very hard in providing them.
(Tip Isle is in no way associated with the creators of Horse Isle or any admins/mods. The site is entirely fanmade.)
For Horse Isle 2 help, please visit Esroh Legends!
- Vallina, Tip Isle Creator
News & Updates
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Hey there! I'm surprised people are still using this site! :) Well, as long people continue using the site, it'll be up. 
If anyone is dedicated enough and interested, I can give you editing powers and you can put in missing quest information and stuff. Just send me a message using the Contact form link. Or if you run another HI1 help site and would like to combine, shoot me a message as well.
  ... Read more »
Category: Other | Views: 6371 | Added by: Vallina | Date: 01.Jul.2013 | Comments (5)

Hey guys, just a quick message to apologize for the lack of updates around the site. I'm busy with schoolwork and art and I've lost interest for HI months ago. I'll try to get the new quests up, but lately, I'm totally not really interested. I don't really have the time anymore.

Also, if I see any more sites taking advantage of my information and blatantly taking MY information and using it on their own site, I WILL close the site. So don't do it. It's ... Read more »

Category: Other | Views: 5357 | Added by: Vallina | Date: 30.Sep.2011 | Comments (6)


Ricardo's Remedy (75qp) [Novice]
Señor Cangrejo's Welcome (50qp) [Novice]
Shastri and Sammy (100qp) [Intermediate]
Thanks to AppleBay for the update help!
Category: Site News | Views: 2064 | Added by: Vallina | Date: 06.Aug.2011 | Comments (1)

Finally got off my lazy bum and got some stuff added. Sorry for such the long wait! Big thanks to AppleBay and Rohvannyc as well as everyone else for the information on the updates they sent in. ^^ Couldn't have done it without you guys.

Category: Site News | Views: 1973 | Added by: Vallina | Date: 24.Jun.2011 | Comments (0)

New breed: Iberian Warmblood
New companion: Chameleon
1 new quest
5 characters want new paintings painted for them.
Typos and bug fixes.

I've been studying for SATs and will be studying for my finals soon... not sure when I can get stuff up. >_<" Sorry guys!
Category: Game News | Views: 1630 | Added by: Vallina | Date: 31.May.2011 | Comments (9)

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